Thursday, December 17, 2015

Weeks 14-15 (Last week of classes and finals week)

Dr. Broccio
Tuesday 6pm

I prepared for office hours the first week by reviewing the homework assignment and watching the last module videos. For finals week I went over some of the earlier material and a few of the practice problems given out for the final. Contrary to my expectations, nobody attended any of my hours in either week. Hopefully that means all of the students are comfortable with the material and their ability to solve problems for the final.

To close, this is my last blog post, and I had a good time helping the students learn physics and getting to know a few of them. I wish them all the best on their final exams and hope this course created an interest in physics in them.

Week 12 and 13 (Last two weeks of classes)

There was only one student that came in to talk about past exams, and homework. We had trouble with one problem that seemed to not work. We talked to the professor about the issue.

Taeck Kim

Week 11 (Thanksgiving)

There were not any students this week. 

Taeck Kim

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Week 14

Bhupinder Singh Physics 1 Professor Broccio Tuesdays 6-7:20pm It was the last week of class and people had a lot of problems during lecture, so I helped a couple of students. It seemed more than the usual because a lot of students were not grasping the concepts that well. Other than that, no one one came to my office hours. This whole semester was a great experience because I never knew teaching would be so rewarding. I plan to TA next semester as well. Hope everyone does well on their Final exam.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Week 14

Thomas Reynolds
Physics 175
Prof Hong MWF 9:00

This week 1 student came to my office hour on Thursday and 5 came on Friday.  They came with questions on various things we did this semester.  Once I answered their questions we just talked about other things that may be on the exam or that they were a little confused on.  I ended up just giving them example questions to do because they did not have that many questions. I gave them some tips for the exam and then they left.

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Week 14

Melanie Roberts
Professor Broccio
Tuesday 6PM

Week 14

I did not have anyone attend my office hours this week.  I had prepared some questions for review and also watched the video modules for this week.  I also looked over the homework that is due this weekend. This was the last week before the final exam.  Although very few students came to my office hours this semester, I enjoyed helping students in class.  Overall, I think this was a good experience.  I hope everyone has a good winter break, and good luck on finals!

Week 13

There were 2 students that came in for help this week.  Most of their questions were in preparation for the final.  Did not ask many questions on more recent material.

Friday, December 11, 2015

Week 12

I got to meet with 2 people during office hours today. We reviewed topics from the entire semester and had some fun doing problems that tied together several different concepts. It has been cool to watch the students who regularly attend office hours and see their improvement over the course of the semester. Another great semester of being a UTA!

Week 14

This week marked the final week of peer led study sessions and was intended to cover waves and overview the entire course in preparation for the final exam.  Monday's session had no attendees, but Friday's session had one student.  Thus, Friday's session was useful as a one-on-one review for that student.  Overall, the entire semester had lower session attendance than I would have liked, but I think it was useful for both the students and myself.

Week 13

No one came to any of my office hours this week.

-Souvik Roy

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Week 12

There was nobody that came to my office hours last week. This was the first week where nobody came to my office hours.  During a typical week, the same few students come to my office hours for help on physics hw and quizzes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Week of 12/7

I had 5 students show up this week for office hours.  We reviewed fluids, temperature and heat, and overall things to expect on the final exam.  The students expressed gratitude after office hours for my help this semester.   I am sending the regular attendees of the review sessions a survey pertaining to their experiences, that way I can improve how I hold review sessions in future semesters. It's been real.

week 14

Qihang Ou

This is the last week before final. But only one student came in my classroom on Wednesday. No one showed up on Monday. We talked a little bit on his homework and did more review for his final exams.
Not a lot students come to my session in this semester, but I do enjoy teaching them and helping students out. I do take the attendance each time student coming in.
Hope everyone will have a good winter break. Good luck on finals!

Week 14

I was surprised I didn't have many students this week.

I had one person come in on Monday who stayed the whole two hours from 1-3. We went over his homework questions about thermo and a few questions from the practice final.

On Wednesday in my hours from 5-6 I had no students come. I am going to talk to Dr. Nero during our meeting on Friday about holding a review session over the weekend if it seems like the students would be interested in that.

John Wallace
Physics 1
Dr. Nero M/F 3-4pm

Week 13

Week 13

This week I had no one during my Monday hours from 2-4 and two people with quick homework questions during my hours on Wednesday 5-6. I was able to answer their questions easily, and then they just asked be questions about my experiences in the engineering school and in physics 2.

Hopefully next week people will show up as it is the last week before finals.

John Wallace
Physics 1
Dr. Nero M/F 3-4

Last Week!!

Last day of office hours! and noone came again :(

This has been a good experience even though I don't plan on continuing next semester.

Week 12

There were no visitors to my office hours week 12.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Week 13: Nov 30-Dec4

Dr. Broccio
PHYS 0110
Tuesdays at 6

No students came this week. I prepared questions on heat and temperature. I also went over some older topics in preparation for the final.

Week 13

One student came today for help on some conceptual issues from the whole semester in preparation for the final exam. The time was really productive and the student seemed to benefit a lot from the session.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Week of 12/7

No students came to office hours this week

Week 13

Tom Reynolds
Physics 175
Prof. Hong MWF 9:00

This week two students came to my office hours.  Both came with questions about the homework. One said she was behind in the class and needed an explanation of the material as well as help with the homework. Another student had completed the homework but still did not entirely understand the material so we just discussed what was going on in the assignment.

Weeks 12-13 (12 is Thanksgiving Week)

Dr. Broccio
Tuesday 6pm

Both weeks I prepared for office hours by reviewing the upcoming homework assignments and watching the module videos. As expected, nobody attended my hour during Thanksgiving week. Surprisingly, no one came to any of my hours last week either. This coming week I am expecting a larger number of students due to the upcoming final and since practice problems have just been released.

week 13

Qihang Ou
The week of 11.30
No one came into my room.

Week 13

I had no one come to my office hours.

Week 13

Bhupinder Singh Physics 1 Professor Broccio Tuesdays 6-7:20pm This past week, I didn't really have anyone come into my office hours. I helped students during lecture, but other than that, no one came to get help. This upcoming week is the last week of class, so I'm assuming people will be coming to my office hours to get some last minute help for the final. Hopefully, I can answer their questions and prepare them for the final.

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Week Twelve (Weeks Ten and Eleven)

Last week, I did not have any students because of thanksgiving. The previous week, no students attended either.

This week, I had one student attend my Wednesday office hours, asking for help studying the exam. Specifically, she wondered if it would be possible to get a collection of practice multiple choice questions.  I emailed Professor Devaty, who pointed her towards the lecture slides.

Week 13

Melanie Roberts
Dr. Broccio
Tuesday 6-7:20pm

One student came to my office hours on Friday this week.  She was struggling primarily with buoyancy force, so I reviewed the concept with her before working on one or two questions from the homework.  I had her begin the problems by drawing diagrams and labeling forces, which helped her a lot.  No students came to my Monday office hours. I've prepared some final review questions for next week for any students who attend my office hours.

Friday, December 4, 2015

Week 13

This week did not have anything of note for the UTA sessions.  As usual in recent weeks, the Monday session had no students.  Friday's session was cancelled due to my attendance at a site visit out of town.  Other than the sessions, the other study session leaders and I prepared the final set of questions for the final week of classes.  Only two study sessions remain for the semester and I am anticipating some questions as students prepare for the final exam.

Week 11

Today I had one student come to office hours. She had a lot of questions from webassign homework assignments and also from recitation problems. She had all of the necessary equations written down but her biggest problem was knowing when to use which equation. I helped her identify key words in the problems that would direct her to which specific equation would be of the most use. She was also worried about the final coming up so I gave her some study tips from my previous experience.

Week of 12/30

No students came to office hours this week

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Week of 11/30

I had a total of six students come into office hours this week.  We went over simple harmonic motion and elastic deformations.  The students seemed a bit more confident with this material than they have been with past concepts, which was a good sign.  I'm expecting more students to come in next week in preparation for the final exam.

Noone came :(

Week 12

I had no office hours this week because of Thanksgiving Break.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Week 12: Nov 23-27

Dr. Broccio
PHYS 0110
Tuesdays at 6

No one came to office hours last week. This is largely unsurprising considering the test was over and it was the 2 days before break.

For this and next week, I plan on being ready for the questions for module 11 and 12, but also for more general questions about the course material.

I'm going to prepare things for thinking "big picture" conceptually for the course. Stuff like: a lot of the course is about how things move. e.g. If it isn't acceleration, we can set the sum of the forces or torques to be 0, etc.

Week 11

Not many students came to my scheduled office hours, but I did get multiple emails asking questions on the homework and scheduled a one on one tutoring session with a student.