Tom Reynolds
Physics 175
Dr. Mueller MWF 8
This week I had a lot of people come on one day and very few come the other days. I had one person ask for help with integration, two ask for help with their online quizzes and one ask for help on homework. It was difficult to try and split my time between them but they were patient and it went well. I gave the quizzes/homework people things to do or think about while I helped the others and then went back to them. The other days it was easy. One day I helped out the physics 1 people because I had no one and they had more than they could handle.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
Week of Jan. 23rd
2 students came to my office hours this week. One student had difficulty with homework problems, but their main issue was correctly typing into the calculator, so I showed them ways to avoid mistakes when using a calculator. The second student had difficulties deciding which kinematics equations to use, and when to use them, so I went over some homework problems and explained my thought process.
Monday, January 30, 2017
week 3
I had no students from my class come to office hours this week, but I did help a student currently in physics 2. I just helped the student with some integration and finding the electric field at a point.
Week of January 23
No one from 0174 came to my office hours however I was able to help a 110 student, they seemed to have trouble with understanding the correlation of the x and y direction in projectile motion and how to use the trig properties in terms of displacement, velocity and acceleration.
Week of Jan 23
I saw one student twice this week. The first day he met with me, he seemed pretty lost in the class. However, the problem solving methods we went over during office hours seemed to help him understand what was going on much better, and in class, he seemed much more confident with dealing with the material. I helped quite a few other students with homework questions as well.
Week of Jan 23rd
This Friday three students came to my office hours and we did some review questions for their exam 1.
Week of January 23rd
5 students showed up for office hours this week. They were all from Physics 1 (one was calc based).They mostly needed assistance with homework questions and assigned end of chapter problems in preparation for the exam. Most of them were able to figure out the questions themselves after a little guidance. Most times, as I've noticed, the problem students have is understanding the question and figuring out what equations to use or start with. Once they know that, everything else becomes relatively straightforward for them.
Week of January 23rd
I had a lot of students come to office hours asking about Gauss' Law. They were just confused about its applications, once we went through some homework problems relating to Gauss' Law, they seemed to understand it better.
Sunday, January 29, 2017
Week of Jan 23
I helped 3 students this week. They had a variety of questions pertaining to content on their upcoming exam. I showed them useful strategies to approach vector and 1-d motion problems like understanding orientation and how the formulas.
Saturday, January 28, 2017
Week of January 23
There was a steady stream of people at all of my office hours this week. Most people had questions on Gauss's Law. Most asked about specific homework problems that they were having trouble with, and I was seeing a lot of the same questions. With an exam next week, I think that there will be a lot of questions at office hours coming up.
Week of January 23rd
This week I helped many people from physics 1 and 2. Dr. Nero has an exam on Monday, so many people stopped by for practice for the exam. Mostly students just had problems they wanted to do for practice and they just wanted to make sure they were doing them right. Whenever they got stuck, I nudged them in the right direction.
Friday, January 27, 2017
Week of Jan 23
This week I had a couple of students show up for physics 175. I helped them to the best of my ability. I had no students show up for 174, though.
Week of January 23rd
My first block of office hours this week had high attendance, with around five people staying for most of the two hours. Overall, students seemed to be struggling with the ExpertTA homework problems, specifically ones asking for symbolic expressions. But, after reviewing several strategies, it seemed that most had a better handle on the problems. Some of these students also came to my Friday office hour and had completed the remainder of the homework, indicating that they were getting a better handle on projectile motion concepts. During the Friday office hour, I helped one student with fixing a misunderstanding on a homework question and discussed the set-up for some of the book problems with the other two students, both of whom seemed to improve with the initial problem set-ups as we progressed through the book questions. There also seemed to be a general confusion about coordinate systems and how to use "g" in certain situations.
Thursday, January 26, 2017
Week 1/23-1/27
On Monday, I did not have any students. My first hour of my two hours on Thursday was very quiet and then a student came in. I helped her redo her old homework problems, go over a few slides from her lectures, and complete a textbook problem. She has an exam on Monday and wanted to prepare. She was pretty sound on most of the concepts and needed minimum guidance. Two other students walked in but the UTA who was in the room with me at the time assisted them.
Jan 23-27
This week was relatively average in terms of attendance to my office hours. Around 5 people came in throughout my 3 hours with varying questions on the homework. Luckily, projectile motion and kinematics are some of the more straightforward topics to teach in the course, and we were able to make a lot of progress in areas that students were struggling in. I've found however that some of the homework questions assigned in ExpertTA can be downright tedious/unnecessary. Some of them are so picky with getting the exact equation derivation correct that it just wastes time and causes students stress in ways that doesn't even benefit the learner in any sort of way I can see. Anyway, solid work this week, more to come
Week of 1/23
A number of students came to office hours this week. Gauss's law seems to be a challenging topic for many of them, and the first exam is coming up. There was a mixture of questions about homework problems and students looking for more general clarification.
week of 1/26
No student came in on Tuesday, but 3 people and 4 people in Wednesday and Thursday respectively, some were struggling for homework problems, mostly is about question 7, they were struggling how to approach question, and they kind of confused about x,y component, so I told them X and Y are independent to each other, in order to reach X meter away horizontally, is depends on X component, but not Y, and when it come to reach Y height, X component will not affect but actually Y. probably two dimensional motion thinking are not too clear for some of the students.
Anyway, good luck for them on exam 1 in incoming next Monday!
Anyway, good luck for them on exam 1 in incoming next Monday!
Tuesday, January 24, 2017
Monday, January 23, 2017
Week of 1/16
No one attended my Office Hours this week so I cannot comment. I was able to help two people with Physics 0175 but I am currently taking that class so I can't go in depth.
Week of 1/16
I had no students come to my office hours this week. Hopefully as the class moves to more difficult concepts, more students will come for help. I am looking forward to the weeks ahead!
Week of 1/16
This past week I had only one student on Thursday. He had
questions on homework that related to Carnot engines. He understood the problem
for the most part. The biggest issue he seemed to have was identifying which the
cold reservoir and which the hot reservoir was in the problem. This changed the
equation that he had to use to solve the problem. I think as we approach the
test more students will come to the sessions.
Week of 1/16
I had two students come to my offices hours this week. Both students had similar questions about this weeks homework. They had the most trouble determining heat gain/loss from a P-V graph. I pointed out that work could be found from finding the area under the line, and the heat is found from utilizing the deltaU= Q - W equation. Since this homework question had multiple parts, I walked them through the first part, and they were able to do subsequent parts on their own.
They also had a question about finding the change of heat when two bodies of water are in contact, and this is found by utilizing Q = mc(deltaT). Once I pointed this out, they were able to solve the problem relatively easily.
Joe Musiol
Broccio MWF 12:00-12:50
They also had a question about finding the change of heat when two bodies of water are in contact, and this is found by utilizing Q = mc(deltaT). Once I pointed this out, they were able to solve the problem relatively easily.
Joe Musiol
Broccio MWF 12:00-12:50
Week of January 16
I had 5 students show up for office hours on Thursday (11 to 1 and 4 to 5). I was familiar with all of them because they were at my last week's office hours. They pretty much all had questions concerning some of the homework problems from expert TA Physics 1 as they did the week before.The week's homework touched on kinematics and after a little guidance, most of them were able to solve the questions themselves. Some of them were also concerned about the upcoming exam and asked for some guidance on how to prepare.
Week of Jan 16
I helped 3 students this week. They were doing acceleration in 1 dimension problems and needed help with understanding how information in the problem relaates to the physics.
Sunday, January 22, 2017
Week of 1/16
Tom Reynolds
Dr. Mueller
Physics 175 MWF 8
This week I had a steady flow of Dr. Nero students. They wanted help on their homework which is basically just setting up and solving integrals. I tried to really go through step by step on how to do it and the reasoning for everything. Some had questions on quizzes that were due shortly after coming to see me. Apparently the quizzes are graded very harshly and so the students want to confirm their answer with me before they hit the button. In this case there really is not much for me to do but talk to them and let them explain their reasoning to me. Then I can just check the answer before they try it.
Dr. Mueller
Physics 175 MWF 8
This week I had a steady flow of Dr. Nero students. They wanted help on their homework which is basically just setting up and solving integrals. I tried to really go through step by step on how to do it and the reasoning for everything. Some had questions on quizzes that were due shortly after coming to see me. Apparently the quizzes are graded very harshly and so the students want to confirm their answer with me before they hit the button. In this case there really is not much for me to do but talk to them and let them explain their reasoning to me. Then I can just check the answer before they try it.
Jan 14-20
This week one student came to my office hour on Friday. We worked out her homework questions.
Saturday, January 21, 2017
Week of Jan 16
I helped one student during office hours understand some problem solving skills in dealing with his first homework set. During class hours, I did help several groups of students with a difficult problem dealing with complex charge distributions. The biggest part of it was helping the kids better understand how to apply calculus problem solving skills to more physics-based problems.
Week of Jan 16
One person came to my office hours this week for help with physics 2. He needed help integrating to find the electric field from a disk. I helped walk him through it, giving him tips to help him remember how to do it for the test.
Week of Jan 16
No students came to my office hours. It is still pretty early in the semester, and I assume more people will start to come as the first exam approaches.
Week of Jan 16
The class material is starting to become more difficult, so more students are coming to office hours. On Wednesday alone, 5 students came with questions. Most people had questions on specific homework problems, but I also answered a few conceptual questions. Most of the questions were about determining how to set up integrals to find electric fields.
Friday, January 20, 2017
Week of 1/16
No one came to either of my office hours this week, so there's not much to say. I would assume that as the first exam gets closer more people will come.
Week of January 16
I had three people attend my office hours on Tuesday. They generally needed assistance in solving the later problems in the homework. It seemed students struggled with the multi-step problems, as well as with knowing which equations to use to tackle various types of one-dimensional motion problems. After working with them over the course of the hours, they seemed to have a better grasp on the problems and the strategies involved in solving them. Overall, my office hours were far less crowded than they were last week, with no one attending my Friday office hour.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Week of 1/16-1/20
Only two students came to my office hour Thursday afternoon. They were both from physics 110 and needed help on their online homework. One student only had one problem to work on while the other student had about 6 problems. I was able to assist them and help them with what they were struggling with.
week of 1/19
There aren't many student came in for help, because of MLK day, people tend to do homework a bit later, since no physic class on Monday, nothing had taught until Wednesday.
I had tutored 2 students in this week so far, they seems fine. one person in good track, just some misinterpret of a question, and ask for help.
The other student, know how to apply and formula to used, but just need to take more time, to process, to do calculation. but overall is fine, keep it up!
I had tutored 2 students in this week so far, they seems fine. one person in good track, just some misinterpret of a question, and ask for help.
The other student, know how to apply and formula to used, but just need to take more time, to process, to do calculation. but overall is fine, keep it up!
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
January 16-20
This week's office hours were relatively uncrowded. Less than five people came in - I assume the lack of people is due to the difficulty of the material, which is pretty straightforward compared to the rest of the curriculum. One person, I noticed, did come in with no start on the homework whatsoever - I let her know that UTAs aren't there to do students' homeworks, but rather to help with problems that they actually required assistance to solve. Either way, made good progress with students. Hope to keep it up
Tuesday, January 17, 2017
Week of January 9th
I had one student come to my office hours the past week. She had two questions about the homework, both of which dealt with the ideal gas law equation. She particularly had trouble with applying the ideal gas law equation at different elevations. I helped her derive Boyle's Law, which can help find certain parameters if temperature is held constant. This made sense to her and she was able to complete the rest of the homework without trouble.
I also helped one student with their Physics 1 homework. She had a question about finding direction and using trigonometry. I helped her by breaking down the problem into individual triangles and solving for each side individually, making sure to pay attention to sine and cosine.
Joe Musiol
Broccio MWF 12:00-12:50
I also helped one student with their Physics 1 homework. She had a question about finding direction and using trigonometry. I helped her by breaking down the problem into individual triangles and solving for each side individually, making sure to pay attention to sine and cosine.
Joe Musiol
Broccio MWF 12:00-12:50
Week 1
I helped a student with a vector problem. The problem requires an unders an understanding of the geometry of vectors including components and their directions.
Week 1
This week only one person came to my office hours. She was from Physics 2, so I was only able to answer some basic questions since it has been a long while since I was in physics 2. I did not expect a lot of visitors seeing as it was only the second week of classes.
Monday, January 16, 2017
Week of 1/9
This week I had one student attend my office hours on Friday and none on Monday. She needed some help finding a vector given three others, and after a bit of explanation she did figure it out. I expect that more people with attend office hours later in the semester since it is pretty early on.
week of 1/9
Tom Reynolds
Dr. Mueller
MWF 8:00
This week, the first week of holding office hours, I had three people come. That surprised me. They asked questions about the online homework for Nero's class. I am attending the lectures for Dr. Mueller but it's all the same so I was able to help. I found out that Nero is encouraging students to come to Uta office hours so I will be expecting people to come to most of my hours this semester.
Dr. Mueller
MWF 8:00
This week, the first week of holding office hours, I had three people come. That surprised me. They asked questions about the online homework for Nero's class. I am attending the lectures for Dr. Mueller but it's all the same so I was able to help. I found out that Nero is encouraging students to come to Uta office hours so I will be expecting people to come to most of my hours this semester.
Week of January 9th
No one has attended my Office Hours yet, I assume this is because a portion of those taking physics 0174 this semester are retaking it and have a firm grasp of the more basic information we are currently covering.
Week of January 9th
I had two students come to my office hours on Thursday. They were both struggling with a problem on electric field vectors. Once they understood the trigonometry required to solve the problem, they were able to solve it. In class, no one had any questions relating to the example problems.
Week of Jan 9
I had office hours on Monday and Wednesday this week. No one came to my office hours on Monday, as it is still very early in the semester. One student came to my office hours Wednesday with a question about a specific homework problem on conservation of charge, and I helped him through the problem. I figured that office hours would be slow early in the semester, but one student did email me about a homework problem and another asked me a question after class, both about electrostatic forces. I think that I will begin seeing more students soon, as the material becomes more difficult. Also, Dr. Frolov is offering extra credit to students who attend my office hours, so I expect to see a lot more students in the next few weeks. I am looking forward to a good semester!
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Week of Jan 9th
I had office hours on Tuesday and Friday, and no students came to ask for help during that time. At the lectures for this week, the class worked on units and the beginning of kinematics.
Saturday, January 14, 2017
Week of Jan 9
No students came to any of my office hours this week. However, in my Physics 2 class, I did help several students understand problems done in class on Coulomb's law and charge conservation more clearly.
Week of Jan 9
I had my office hours on Tuesday and Friday. No one showed up on Tuesday but on Friday one student came and asked questions about his homework on Physics 1. I helped him with his questions.
Week of January 9
I had office hours from 11 to 1 and 4 to 5 on Thursday and about 11 people showed up altogether. They mostly needed assistance with vectors and a few other homework questions from physics 1 (algebra based). Most of them had problems with similar questions so it was easy working with them in pairs and once they'd been guided on how to approach the problems, they found it easier to solve them. I also had other TAs in both sections to help out so every student was attended to.
Friday, January 13, 2017
Week of January 9-13
I held two office hours on Tuesday, January 10th. Three students attended these hours for help with Physics 1. One student stayed for the entire duration, and we worked on problem-solving strategies for the homework problems, specifically for the second half of the homework. In addition, we reviewed some of the material in the lecture videos on units and uncertainty. The other two students came as a pair, and I aided them in working through setting up problems 8 and 9 from the homework. Additionally, we worked on the best ways to enter values and expressions into the homework system.
My other office hour was held on Friday, January 13th. I helped five students with Physics 1 over the course of the hour, most of whom had questions on problems 7, 8, and 9 from the homework. I worked together with them in setting up the problems, as well as in reviewing the foundational concepts and strategies that are useful in completing these more challenging problems. Common things reviewed included vector addition concepts, vector components, and trigonometric relationships and functions. Finally, strategies for reading the homework problems and understanding the questions being asked, as well as for inputting final answers, were also reviewed with most students.
Overall, it seemed the common questions centered on the last half of the homework and involved concepts of vector addition, components of vectors and their relationship to resultant vectors, and trigonometric concepts.
My other office hour was held on Friday, January 13th. I helped five students with Physics 1 over the course of the hour, most of whom had questions on problems 7, 8, and 9 from the homework. I worked together with them in setting up the problems, as well as in reviewing the foundational concepts and strategies that are useful in completing these more challenging problems. Common things reviewed included vector addition concepts, vector components, and trigonometric relationships and functions. Finally, strategies for reading the homework problems and understanding the questions being asked, as well as for inputting final answers, were also reviewed with most students.
Overall, it seemed the common questions centered on the last half of the homework and involved concepts of vector addition, components of vectors and their relationship to resultant vectors, and trigonometric concepts.
Week of January 9
There were 2 people who came to my office hours on Tuesday for help with Physics 1. They were having trouble with vector addition and dimensional analysis, and I helped guide them on some problems they needed help with. One person came to my office hour on Thursday for help with Physics 2. It was just for a couple of homework problems. I looked at their work and it turned out they made a couple of simple mistakes, and once they fixed them, they got the problems right.
Thursday, January 12, 2017
Week of Jan 9-13
No one came to my office hours on Monday. On Thursday, during my first hour there no one came but for the second hour about 7 students showed and another TA was with me to help the students. Most of their questions were about vectors and how to start the problems on their homework. Once we talked about the concepts and the strategies they seemed to understand and completed parts of the problem without assistance and only needed a little bit of help on other parts. They were all from algebra based physics.
Jennifer Rutkowsky
Jennifer Rutkowsky
January 9-13
My office hours were hectic this week, so many people had problems with the homework. I couldn't go around and answer everyone's questions so I often had to demonstrate them (especially numbers 7-9) to multiple people at once. Was not expecting it to be this crowded the very first week. Made good progress with a lot of the students though, so we're off to a pretty good start
Also I get help requests in public places where I'm doing work to help students with physics all the time (like five times this week). A little bizarre, might have to start referring them to office hours soon once I get busier lol
Also I get help requests in public places where I'm doing work to help students with physics all the time (like five times this week). A little bizarre, might have to start referring them to office hours soon once I get busier lol
Week of 1/9
I didn't have anyone come to my Tuesday office hours, but someone did come in today with questions about some of the homework problems. She was having a little trouble starting the problems but caught on pretty quickly when we talked through the set up.
week 2
This is second week of school, and is actually the first week of tutoring session start, I worked with couple of students with homework problems about vectors, they did have basic concept about vector but only hard part is when given a figure or a problem, they may not able to approach the questions and further solved them, so i gave them some hints and tips.
In general it is fun to help someone in needs or with problems! and I am happy doing so!
In general it is fun to help someone in needs or with problems! and I am happy doing so!
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