Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Week of 10/21

I had one visitor in office hours from a physics 2 student who was not in Dr. Hong's class, I believe it's the algebra based class. He was unsure of a couple conceptual questions, so we went through them, and I helped clear up the RHR for magnetism. I did the same with one of my mentee students. I think she was having trouble understanding magnetism during class, but when she took her time with it, it came to her.

week 10/21

This week I did not get to meet with my mentors but I did have a two students in my office hour asking about the online homework which was on circuits. We reviewed capacitance equations and how capacitors behave in series.

Hatridge Week 9

I had no students this week, probably because the test was last Wednesday and students dob'y feel an urgency to come with questions. The final is approaching however so I expect more in the future.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018


This week, one student came to my office hours. She needed help with the homework, so I showed her some examples on circuits. I reviewed how to draw circuits in a top-down schematic, then showed how to simplify capacitors and resistors. We also reviewed some basic capacitor details, such as the charge on a capacitor and the voltage across a capacitor.

Week of 10/21

I held my usual office hours as usual and attended lectures for the week. No one came to office hours this week. Things have been very quiet, but as we continue into circuits and introduce magnetism, I suspect there may be some questions on these topics.

Week of 10/21

There were a lot of students in this week as they prepared for their exam on Friday. A lot of them had questions on the study guide and homework questions that they struggled with leading up to the exam. Many students were confused about similar topics, so when one person would ask a question it ended up benefiting the rest of the students as well.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Week of 10/21

The students' second exam was this week, so my office hours later in the week were empty as students recharged. I was anticipating my office hours on Monday (with the exam on Wednesday) to be relatively busy, but no students showed up. Hopefully this week is a bit more productive.

Joshua Howe 10/29/18

My assumption was correct; I saw a few more people on Friday, but have not seen anyone today. My professor has exams from previous years as practice for his students, so it was funny to see people coming in and asking questions about the midterm I myself took just a year prior.

I've been thinking more about the schedules of the students I UTA for, and I think I am surprised I have seen as many people as I have. The Physics class I UTA for is for Freshman Engineering Classes, and there were always classes in the late morning, whether they be Calculus, Chemistry, or Engineering Analysis.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Week of 10/21

I attended 2 lectures this week because we had an exam on Wednesday. Two students visited my office hours on Tuesday to supplement their preparation for the test. I feel that I was able to sufficiently clarify concepts that they had questions about. Less students are asking for assistance during lecture on the concept checks; I think that many of them they become more confident in their abilities since the beginning of the semester.

Week of 10/21

Most of the students who come to office hours come specifically for their TA, and none of the students from my lecture have come to mine all semester. I did have a student ask me the best way to prepare for their lecture's exam. I'm glad I was able to help them, however briefly, reflect on their study habits. My lecture had their second midterm on Wednesday that a lot of students seemed to struggle with, so I will be interested to see the class average. The professor was surprised to hear that I haven't had anyone in office hours. Hopefully this will change as students get an idea of what their overall grades are and anticipate how they need to perform on the final.

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Week of 10/22

This week we did a lot of group work/clickers during class and I was able to help many of the students clear up their misconceptions regarding the right-hand rule and magnetic force/field. I will be having office hours earlier this upcoming week to clear any last minute confusions the students have before their exam on Friday! :)

Week of October 22, 2018

I had people come to my office hours everyday this week. They had an exam on Wednesday, so Monday and Wednesday I had people come in asking me questions checking their knowledge on exam concepts. On Friday, I was surprised, but two people came in even though they just had an exam and hadn't spent much time on new material. They came in hoping to get a head start on their homework due next Wednesday.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Week of 10/21

Monday I was flooded with students during office hours. This is most likely due to every physics 1 student having an exam on either tuesday or wednesday. I helped them with momentum problems and understanding how friction works with the classic 2 block with friction problem. Thursday no one came, unsurprisingly, as exam took their exam by then. I hope to continue getting a high number of students to come to office hours.

week of 10/21

This week was pretty slow in office hours. No one came to my Thursday office hours but this was due to the fact that the students had an exam on Wednesday. I expect it to pick back up as we move into the third unit and discuss torque.

Week of 10/21

I had a lot of people this week for the second round of midterms. A lot of students are confused about when conservation of energy is and is not useful, so we worked on coming up with strategies to sort out difficult problems that involve collisions or work formulas.

Week of 10/21/18

This week was slower than expected despite there being a test on Wednesday. Most people who came in seemed primarily concerned about being well prepared for their exam.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Hatridge Week 8

This week I mainly helped students prepare for the exam by going over homework questions and the study guide Hatridge provided. Students seem to be getting firm grasp on energy and momentum. I expect more students with the rotational subjects we're getting into now. I am also thinking about moving my office hours to Friday afternoon since the early hours of the morning may keep students away. I'll update this decision at a later time.

Week of 10/22

I met with one of my mentee students this week. After working with her, she's starting to grasp Kirchhoff's rules a bit better. I encouraged her to practice from the book and to practice redrawing any circuit diagrams she can find in a better way. My only visitor during office hours this week was a Physics 1 student, but I was happy to help her, especially since no Physics 2 students came around. We worked on how to best decompose a big test question and solving problems using energy.

Joshua Howe 10/24/18

Just in my last two sessions of office hours, I have had 7 people come in. Their questions have ranged from involving Homework, Studying for the Exam, and doing Practice Problems from the book. Its pretty much what I expected; things have gotten busier closer to the second exam. I expect to see a few more people on Friday, but expect next week to be a ghost town.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018


This week, no came to my office hours. It's been a slow past two weeks, as we just had the first exam back then. However, the next exam is in a few weeks, so I should see more people coming to my office hours. Outside of office hours, I met with one of my mentees, and we discussed how to simplify circuits and draw circuits in a top-down view.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Week of 10/15

I did not have office hours this week because of the long weekend. However, I held an extra session on Friday for people who can't make it to normal hours. Three people showed up and I feel that I was able to help them prepare for their upcoming exam. I expect many students to show up to my office hours this Tuesday because the exam is on Friday.

Week of 10/15

My office hours later in the week were relatively busy, as students were preparing for their exam this week on 10/24. Students are beginning to see multiple concepts intertwined in certain problems (kinematics, vector components, and Newton's laws), and seeing them apply each concept correctly in order to solve the problem is great. I expect my office hour today to be quite busy, with the exam date nearing.

Hatridge Week 7

I was sick on Monday so I had to miss my office hours. However, I arranged with Dr. Hatridge to make them up on Friday. I had two students come in on Wednesday morning and one student come in on Friday afternoon. Next week, I expect more students given there is a test on Wenesday.

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Week of 10/15

I had a few people come in on Thursday with questions about a particularly tricky problem on their homework, which took me and another UTA to solve. Other than that, it was a pretty uneventful week.

Week of 10/8 and 10/15

Not many people have been coming to office hours. I know that people have been struggling with Chapter 22 (concept: right-hand rule) in my class so I hope to see people coming in to clarify any misconceptions they have. :)

Week of 10/15

Nobody attended my office hours this week, which is not surprising due to Fall Break throwing off everybody's schedule. I expect that there will be some visitors next week due to the next midterm being on Wednesday.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Week of 10/15

This week office hours were dead quiet, which was surprising because we just started the Circuits portion of the class. However, I had 2 great meetings with my mentees. The first student said they did "Surprisingly well" on the exam, and she didn't have any questions just yet. They seem to be very comfortable with the material. The second student was having some minor challenges, but they absolutely knows what they are doing. The only issues are getting used to conventions and the calculus associated with the problems. Otherwise, the know and understand the material.

Week of October 15, 2018

I had one person come to my office hours each day. The questions were mostly based on the homework and problems we did in lecture this week that they didn't understand. I expect more people to come next week on Monday and Wednesday because they have an exam Wednesday.

week of 10/15

i had one student come to my office hours and she was confused about the math behind the physics problems. I worked through systems of equations with her to make sure she understood the algebra for the upcoming exam

Week of 10/15

Because of Fall Break, I was not able to have my usual office hours for this week. I met with one of my PhySHIP mentees last week to go over doubts she had on homework. I anticipate meeting with my mentees in the following week to go over how their first midterm exam went and what resources they are using to get any help they need.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Week of 10/15

I had many students come to my office hours this week, and I even got 3 students from Hatridge's class! It seemed students had trouble understanding what non-conservative forces are and what energy is, but by the end they were doing much better. I hope they do well on their exam next week!

Week of 10/18

This week, a handful of students showed up to office hours. Most of them were struggling with energy conservation problems on the Sapling homework.

Week of 10/8

This week, only a few students showed up to office hours. I helped them work through some sapling problems they were struggling with, particularly problems involving work.

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

week of 10/8

This week I only had one student in my office hours. I helped them interpret circuits. Most people aren't having trouble with this new unit because it is pretty simple at first.

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Joshua Howe 10/16

Last week was completely vacant for me. One of the TAs I share the room with had a few students come in for her on Friday, but mine were completely empty. This surprises me, as in my opinion, this is when the course material starts to get a little tricky, as we are talking about Potential Energy and Conservation of Mechanical Energy. I believe their 2nd exam is on about 2 weeks, so maybe I will have more visitors.

Monday, October 15, 2018

week of 10/8

This past week, my office hours were relatively empty. On Friday, a couple of students came in for help on a specific Sapling question that required some complex thinking. The second exam is less than a week away, so I'm hoping that this week my office hours are more busy as students prepare for the upcoming assessment.

Sunday, October 14, 2018


Our class took its first exam last week, so naturally, my office hours were quiet this week. And luckily for the students, the class material will become less calculus heavy for the remainder of the semester. It can be difficult applying and visualizing integrals in physics problems, although these topics will reappear on the final. Regardless, as we begin exam 2 material, I expect to see some students struggle with circuits in the upcoming weeks. Basic circuit analysis can be difficult at first, but it just requires some practice to get comfortable with it.

week of 10/08

I had a lot of kids coming to my office hours on thursday regarding help on the gravitron problem for homework. It was nice because I was not simply telling them how to do the problem but all the students were working together to come up with the solution

Week of 10/8

This week, no one came to my office hours. The concept checks in class seemed more difficult for the students this week, so I expect office hours to become more busy in the upcoming days.

Week of 10/8

No students attended my weekly office hours on Monday. My section of Physics I doesn't have homework that gets turned in, so I don't think they have much impetus to come. We started energy this week which I always liked, but the math can sometimes be complicated so maybe some students will come this week.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Week of Oct 8

My only visitor in office hours was a physics 1 student, but I was able to help her understand how energy and work relate. I did not visit with any of my mentees this week, but we just got started with circuits. I expect many visits and questions next week.

Week of October 8, 2018

This week, I did not have anyone come to my office hours Monday, I had one person come Wednesday, and multiple people came Friday. I have been finding that many more people come Friday than the other days because the homework is due Saturday night, so most people try the problems throughout the week and come get help Friday on things they do not understand. The other TA's and I have been collaborating more than we have previously in the course which I find helpful to see their different points of view on problems. We are now starting to learn about energy and circular motion. They have an exam coming up in a week and a half, so I expect more people to come in the upcoming weeks.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week of October 8th

I had a couple of students come in Monday for help with conceptual questions with non-conservative work and the work-energy theorem. I have been getting many students from algebra-based physics classes lately, but I have only ever had one student from my class go to office hours. I hope that everyone in Hatridge's class then feels comfortable with the content for the test, and if they have any problems I would love to help.

Week of 10/08

I had one of my regular students come in on Tuesday for some conceptual questions and two new students come in today for homework help and exam questions. The two today seemed pretty comfortable with the concepts from this week and were mostly looking for help with some of the trickier math. Altogether, it was a pretty quiet week.
This week many students received back their exams, so much of my office hours was spent going through those questions. Additionally, I advised students on how to improve their grades for future exams with better study habits and priorities.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Week of 10/1

Last week, I helped students during my office hours on their Sapling homework. The homework focused on an introduction to Newton's laws and free-body diagrams. One of the best way for students to grasp these concepts is through practice, so I worked on a few examples with the students. It's especially important for them to understand Newton's laws, because they are such a crucial part of the introductory physics courses.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Hatridge Week 5

I had one student come in on Monday and ask me homework questions, and non on Wednesday. i'm surprised by the amount of students from other classes who attend my office hours, and the lack of students from my own lectures.

Material we started in class in Energy, Drag, and Work.

Joshua Howe 10/8

I don't really have much to say about last week. I did not have anyone come in on Monday or Friday, but did have several on Wednesday. Thats the day their homework is due, so I guess it makes sense.

Wednesday was also the first day since classes started the other UTAs and I were able to have a group meeting with our Instructor. It was nice to finally do that.

Sunday, October 7, 2018


Our class had its first exam this week, and surprisingly no one came to my office hours. However, I did meet with students outside of class, and we reviewed some major topics that could have appeared on the exam. I could tell they started preparing for the exam--which is a great--but they had trouble understanding several topics. So I reviewed integrating electric fields and Gauss's Law, then I reviewed electric potential from those two topics. When they left, I stressed to them that they should look at their book. The example problems are very helpful, and somehow many students don't take advantage of looking at them.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Week of 10/1

Office hours were very quiet this week as no one came. In our lecture, we continued with forces, including centripetal forces, and we are moving toward starting energy. This material was some of the first material I struggled with in Physics I, and I think my class has gotten their exams back, so I'm expecting there will be an uptick in visitors on Monday.

Week of October 1

No one came to my office hours this week. In class we had several clicker questions, but no one asked for assistance. I think this is because we are starting a new unit, and normally, new material is introduced in an approachable/basic way. Once students start to work on the next set of Sapling problems, I will expect more visitors during office hours.

Week of 10/1

This week I did not have anyone come to office hours. However, I was able to help many people in Friday's lecture with solving electric fields, potential and circuits problems. I hope to see more students in the upcoming weeks as we approach the second exam!

Friday, October 5, 2018

Rosh Bharthi Week of 10/1

This week's office hour, I helped a student go over material that was important for the first midterm. Based on our discussion, he seemed to understand the concepts, but he was unsure of his steps. I encouraged him by saying he had the right thinking, and if he was wrong, I would politely point out his mistake and make sure he understands the correct method. I anticipate following up with my PhySHIP mentees next week to discuss how the first midterm went and how to learn from the experience going forward with the class.

Week of October 1, 2018

I had one person come to office hours on Wednesday towards the end because she needed guidance on a problem we did in class on Monday. On Friday, I had quite a few people come in needing help on the sapling homework. Since we started a new unit this week, students were struggling to grasp the new concepts after the exam they had last week. More students seem to be coming earlier in the units now because they want to be better prepared for the next exam.

week of 10/1

I did not have any students come to my office hours this week but I am guessing that this is due to the midterm being last week. I expect office hours to pick up as we delve deeper into the second unit.

Week of 10/1

This week I met with three of my mentorship students the day before their exam. We spent time answering any last minute conceptual questions. I really think they gained confidence and felt prepared for the exam.

No visitors in office hours this week, but it was later in the day of the exam.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Week of 10/01

I had a much quieter week this week after the exam. Two of my “regulars” showed up on Tuesday to go over homework problems. Today, I had no one. I’m interested to see which problems come up with energy.

Week of 10/01

I had two students come to me during my office hours. One student was from physics 0110 and I explained to them how to rotate the coordinate axis on an inclined plane and how to account for friction. The other student was from Physics 0174 and I helped them better understand kinematics and energy with only using variables. I hope to continue to get more students to come now that everyone took their first exam.

Week of 10/1

This week I had no students in my office hours because they had a test on Wednesday. I met with two students earlier in the week to prepare for the test. We went over the basic derivations for electric field and potential from spheres, cylinders, and lines.

Week of 10/1

Because the students had their exam on Friday, less students showed up this week. There was still a decent turnout on Tuesday and Wednesday for help on the sapling homework. Many of the students struggled with the same questions, so we were able to work through it as a group effort.

Week of 10/1

This week was a bit slower due to a midterm last week. Nonetheless there were a couple students who came in looking for assistance on material covered prior to the exam not covered. These students were looking ahead.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Week of 9/24

This week I helped prep my mentees for their test. We reviewed integrating over lines of charge and conceptual potential problems. In office hours, a few people came in to ask questions from the last unit (electric fields) to review for their test.

Monday, October 1, 2018

Week of 9/24

The students had their first exam this week, so office hours leading up to the exam date were busy with last minute understanding and homework help. I tried to breakdown the most important concepts to be covered on the exam in order for students to better grasp them. Lectures this week were not very group-work oriented, but I know that this week will be, so I'm anticipating working with students in lecture this week as well as during office hours.

10/1 Joshua Howe

I only had one person come in the morning of their first exam, which was something that really surprised me. Its been kinda funny how a lot of the Homework problems students are asking for help on are the same ones I struggled with when I took the class. They have been easier to solve thanks to my experiences with the rest of the class, so I have been able to help them.