Monday, September 30, 2019

Week of 09/23/19

This week, I continued to help students in class. However, no one came to office hours again. I know a lot of students just took exams in other classes so I didn't think anyone was going to come into office hours.

Week 9/23

A few students came in to ask content questions and roughly half of them were from a different section than mine and had an exam that day. One of the girls said she would start coming to office hours more between this exam and the next so hopefully that meant I was helpful!

Week of 9.23.19

This week, I had my second visitor.
He came in with several questions about the material heading into their first exam. I was able to help him through the problem and explain the concepts without directly giving him the answer. It was enjoyable to help the student prepare for the exam, however, it would have nice to have helped more students.
I spoke with Corey briefly after the first exam about how to be more useful as a UTA. We discussed the idea of having a night office hour in lieu of attending the lectures, as we agreed the lectures moved quickly, making it difficult for me to thoroughly help during lecture. I have yet to propose the idea to Katie.

Week of 9/23

I had seven people come in on Tuesday, we discussed some of the concepts for the exam on Friday.  Specifically we went through how to solve a system of linked cars to find the tension in each rope, and how to solve for when two projectiles reach the same point.  I had three people come on Thursday before the exam to discuss similar topics.

Week of 9/23/19

No one attended office hours this week.  In class, they started learning about forces. 

Week of 9/22

No one showed up to my office hour this week. The first exam was on Wednesday.

Week 9-22

I had 15 student attend office hours this week and we worked on exam prep. I answered questions about topics that were to be tested on.  This topics included internal forces, forces on an incline, and relative motions. I focused in on problem set ups and approaches to get the students think on how to do problems on the exam. I explained that pictures and writing out givens are great starting points to a problem.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Week of 9/23

No one came to my office hour. The first exam is coming next week.

Week of 9/23

I did not have any students show up to my office hours this week.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Week of 9/23

This week, my class had an exam on Monday, so I did not receive any students from my class at my office hours. I did however help a physics 0111 student at my office hours on Friday with an electric field problem that was going to be on her exam that day, because I was a TA for a physics 0111 class last semester.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Week of 9/23

My students had their first exam this week and had a lot of feedback on how it went. I helped answer some tiny questions regarding vectors but otherwise had a pretty quiet week.

Week of 9/23

No one came to my office hours this week.

week of 9/22

The weekend before the exam I answered a student's email who had questions. This week nobody attended my office hours. During lectures, I helped a few students answering their questions about the in-class concept checks.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Week 09/22

No students attended.

Grade distribution on the first exam seems to be on the high end compares to other physics 1 courses according to the instructor. I have communicated with the instructor to send out a reminder for the UTA office hours. I am expecting more students to come to the office hours prior to the second exam.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Week of 9/16

Last week I helped one student with physics problems she was struggling with during MCAT prep and a student from Physics 1 with a kinematics-related HW problem. No students from my Physics 2 Section attended office hours, but I used the time to prepare practice problems, lecture summaries, and HW solutions to help students when studying for the upcoming first exam.

Week of 9/16/19

After several days of waiting, I finally was visited by a student from the class. I was able to help the student with some of the in class problems on kinematics, as well as some homework from the physics lab course.
The excitement of my first student was followed by a quiet rest of the week, where no other students came to the office hours. The lecture experience was standard through the week, where I walked around the classroom and answered questions.

Week of 9/16

No one attended my scheduled office hours this week, but during the one Wednesday lecture Dr. Broccio had a clicker based self assessment, in which I did help a few students with some of the more difficult problems. With the exam coming soon, I do expect a few more people to come to office hours.

Week of 9.16

This week two people came to my office hour with their homework problems. One of the common problems of them was that they cannot understand the conditions provided by the problems. After I drew a graph for them, they can solve the problems easily. In addition, people also met technical problems with Sapling, 

Week of 9/16

The major thing for this week is Gauss’s law, which is conceptually more difficult, but more easier in math. As long as I explain everything clearly, the homework and problems ares actually more easier. Next topic will be potential energy, which should still be the case.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Week of 9-15

I had no students attend office hours this week. Next week I expect to see more students with the first exam on Friday.

Week of 9/16

No one attended my office hours this week. But I did assist many of my friends in physics outside of office hours with studying because they have a text next week. Additionally, in lecture I helped some students out with some questions the professor presented on the board.

Week of 9/16/19

As the first exam approaches for Physics 1 classes, there has been more questions asked in class and I had one person attend office hours.  We worked on a kinematics problem.  We read the question and the student realized that she misread the question, so she worked on the problem and got back to me.  She was able to set up the problem and I helped her with the math. 

Week of 9/16

This week was a very busy week for office hours. Many students came in asking for advice on the upcoming exam, as well as help with Sapling questions regarding projectile motion. Although projectile motion is not going to be covered on this first exam, the students and I worked through a particularly challenging example and extracted some problem-solving strategies that can be applied to these kinds of kinematics questions.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Week of 9/16

So, this week was pretty interesting in Office hours. I had 2 students show up to my office hours. One student showed up on Wednesday, and one showed up on Thursday. The weird part was that neither of these students were for my section of Physics 0111. in fact, both of these students were not in the class. One was in PHYS 0175, and one was in PHYS 0110. I was surprised. I helped out the person in PHYS 0110 with her problems with regards to projectile motion. However, I could not help with every question that the student in PHYS 0175 had. Are people actually sure about who their respective UTAs are?

Friday, September 20, 2019

week 9/16

There were a few people at my office hours this week. We talked about study tips and strategies to learn. It's always great to know the short cut for the exam, but even better to understand the concepts to be able to orientate yourself in tricky application problems. Most people needed help with the online homework an a few were doing extra textbook problems. All were on vector problems.

Week of 9/16

Two students came to my office hours this week however only one day. They had issues with knowing how to start and I helped them by recognizing givens to recognize which equations are applicable and determining which concept is being applied in the problem so it is easier to determine which equations to use. We worked on some problems from Sapling practice that they needed help with and I helped them with their questions about specific problems from Sapling.

Week of 9/16

I had students come to my office hours on Wednesday and Friday. One girl came on both Wednesday and Friday and spent her time sitting and doing practice problems and asked me questions when she was stuck on certain parts of problems. On Friday I had two other students come to my office hours and they were concerned about where to start when given a kinematics problem, so we did some problems together and I walked them through how to draw a picture and write down givens.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Week of 9/16

2 students came to my office hours this week!
One student was confused about a 2D kinematics question on her homework, so we talked through her approach and how to find the correct answer. The second student was confused about vector addition, so we went through a couple problems in the textbook, and she seemed to understand the concepts when she left.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Week of 09/15

No students have shown up. This is the week following the first exam. I do not expect many student showing up.

I have been communicating with the instructor and she is aware of the attendance of the UTA office hours.

Week of 9/16

I had one student come to my office hours this week but also wanted to talk about stuff I've noticed in lecture as well.
It seems like some students are having trouble with two main things.
The first is letting go of their intuitions about physics and taking what is taught to them at face value. For example, when we did problems about throwing a ball up in the air on Monday, many believed that the ball will travel faster on its journey up but slower when traveling down. I think we should stress that they forget their inhibitions and approach what they're learning now as if they're seeing it for the first time.
The second thing I've noticed is that they will sort of give up if they cannot find the answer based on available formulas alone. I had to remind a student a bunch of times to not forget to find triangles in their problems and use the Pythagorean theorem and trigonometry to solve them. This is something we should remind students about as well.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Week of 9/9

No one attended my office hours this week. However, in class a few students asked my questions on vectors, and I was able to help them solve the in class problems. Additionally, multiple people in my house are taking physics 1, so I answered their questions when I got home.

Week of 9/9

This past week was the first exam for Physics 1. No one came to my office hours. However, several students reached out to me and asked for my advice regarding how to study for the professor's exams. I told them I learned the material by reading the book and her lecture notes simultaneously (and LOTS of practice problems)!

Week of 9/9

No body came to the office hour. I consulted the class professor, and asked for his anticipations for the exams. He wants students to be able to set up integrals and solve simple integrals in letter symbols during the exams.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Week of 9/9

This week I had one person come to my office hours. She needed help on the kinematics Sapling homework they were assigned. I expect to get more people at my office hours next week because they have their first exam the following week.

Week of 9/9

This week nobody visited my office hour, but still, people text me when they have problems, especially during midnight.

Week of 9/9

This week, I got to work with three different students on Physics 1 + 2 material. The first student I worked with needed help with making graphs for position, velocity, and acceleration vs. time. The second student and I worked on kinematics questions for Sapling - during our time, I helped them develop a schematic for setting up and solving these types of problems. With my last student, I helped make sense of explanations for MCAT physics questions involving Physics 2 concepts such as Bernoulli's principle.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Week of 9/9

I had two students attend office hours thus week and we worked on problems of free fall. The problems the students working on were best solved in two parts with two equations. Through separate pictures I found it easy to show the students how an initial velocity in one equation could be used as the final velocity in an equation at an earlier time.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Week 9/2

Nobody has showed up to this week's office hours.

Week of 9/13/19

Nobody has showed up for this week's office hours, or last week's office hours. During lecture, we had on average 2 clicker questions per lecture. We started chapter 18 (electric forces and fields) this week, and we just glanced over doing electric forces in 2D.

Week 9/9

Nobody came to my office hours, however in lectures Dr. Broccio started doing a few clicker questions per lecture and I was able to help people with kinematics problems during these lectures.

Week of 9/9

Nobody came to my office hours this week. We started doing in-class questions this week with clickers and I was able to help a few students with their questions.

Week of 9/9

This week no one attended office hours.  In class, they started doing clicker questions, but there were no questions to be answered.

Week 9/9

No students came to my office hours as we just had our first midterm and there is no assignment due today.

Week 9/2

A few students came to my office hours from other classes and asked for help with the Lon Capa. Most of them were plugging in their numbers into the calculator incorrectly so I helped with parentheses and such.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Week of 9.9.19

Nobody came to my office hours this week.

Week of 9.9.19

I was alone again during my weekly office hours. I made a reminder to the class to try and encourage them to visit me. I also had a very wonderful meeting with Danny Doucette. During lecture, I was able to answer a few students questions regarding the material. Despite the slow week, I am continuing to enjoy my time as a UTA.

Week of 9/9/19

No students came into my office hours this week. The first exam is 2 weeks away, so I expect students to come in for help closer to that date. In the mean time, I have worked through HW problems to provide solutions and have been taking lecture notes.

Week of 9/9

This week I had two students come in with questions about their homework.  We worked on using kinematic equations as a way to model an objects movement. I used visual examples to trigger the students' intuition so that they could see where the models come from.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Week of 9/9

No students on Monday. 

I have communicated with the instructor on Tuesday as the students are aware of the office hours. I am planning on communicating with other UTAs and hosting one additional office hour for the up coming exam. 

Monday, September 9, 2019

Week of 9/2

I had two students come into office hours. Both were questions about homework, I was able to help both of them out and guide them towards the correct answer.


I had two students come in with questions about the homework. One had questions about vector addition, the other about kinematic equations. We were able to work out the problems.

Week of 9/2

No students came to my office hours, since it's the beginning of the semester. While in lecture, a few students near me asked for help when practice questions were presented (involving velocity/acceleration graphs), which I helped them reason through!

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week of 9/2

No one showed up to office hours this week, but I'm excited to implement some of the strategies discussed during training both in and out of the classroom.

Week of 9/2

I had no students attend office hours this week. This is most likely to the students only having just started material.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Week of 9/2/2019

No student visited my office hours this week. The concepts that were included in the lecture were relatively easy, so most the students did not have questions during the lecture. Two students asked me homework questions via text. The problems they met were mostly calculation issue (They understand the concept but put wrong numbers into their calculator).

Friday, September 6, 2019

Week of 9/2/19

No students visited my office hours this week. Otherwise, I was able to answer a handful of questions during the physics lecture.

Week of 9/6

This week I only had the chance to do one office hour, because the other two were on Monday, but during that I had one student come in, but she was actually in PHYS 0111, but didn't have time to attend office hours at any other time. She pretty much needed help on a few problems relating to pressure and kinetics (Vrms), which I did have some sparse knowledge out so I was able to help go through those problems with her. But other than that, I didn't expect much, but I do expect more people from my 0174 class to come in with help on kinematics and future topics as the difficulty starts to pick up.

Week of Sept 6

A few students come to my office hours this week. They are mostly confused because of the physics concepts are buried with complicated math steps. I helped them to isolate the physics concepts from the complicated math steps, to understand the physics concept first and then the math steps. It helped them to understand the physics concepts more.

Week of September 6

I had one person come to my office hours this week on Thursday. She cam for help with a problem on girth. I helped her understand the proportions and variables that the professor posted on courseweb in the lecture slide, and then she went through and completed the problem on her own which I then checked her work for afterwards.

Week of 9/2/19

This weak no one came to office hours.  In class, we helped answer questions about units.

Week of 9/4/19

No students came to my office hours this week. I used this time to review upcoming lectures for the class and possible questions that will arise.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week of 9/2/19

I held two office hours this week due to no classes on Monday. No students attended either time. However, I was able to spend that time reviewing lectures and HW problems to prepare for possible questions that students may bring to me next week.