Tom Reynolds
Physics 175
MWF Dr. Mueller
This week no one came. Not one person had any questions for the final. Weird.
This semester has really been all over the place. For the first half of the semester, I was getting quite a lot of students. I felt really good about what I was doing. I was getting through to them and I think they were really understanding it.
As for myself, I'm at the point where I can solve these problems with ease. I can look at the integrals and sometimes the problems themselves and solve them just by inspection. This is good because this semester has been a lot of people coming with a myriad of topics and all wanting me to help them immediately. I was able to look at the problem, figure out what it was asking, solve it and then formulate a way to explain it all in a few seconds. At this point I feel I could take on an even larger role than I have now (not that I'd be allowed to). This semester was not only useful to the students but also useful to me.
Things that could be improved: I feel my time in lecture was not useful. Dr. Mueller asked clicker questions and I walked around the class to help during that time but I did not get any questions. I also do not need any more lessons on this material, although watching demos is still fun. Maybe my time would have been better served in the recitations? It could be worth a try in the future.
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