This week was the week before finals and I had less people come to office hours than usual. Those who did come typically came to complete the VR lab for extra credit. The few questions I did get were rarely about concepts but more about how they should study for the final. Based on how nervous some of the students seemed for the final I was surprised that more did not show up.
Overall I had fun being a UTA this semester. Being a UTA not only allowed me to help students struggling to learn the information, but it also helped me. Many of my current classes still rely heavily on material from physics I so this class worked as a good review. Even at the end however I was surprised by how few students still came to office hours. Being that this is typically a first year class I think some students are just skeptical about going to somebody for help. I don't know how this can be improved. The people who did come seemed to enjoy using UTAs as a resource and many came regularly to office hours.
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