There was just an exam given out the Monday of Thanksgiving break so I did not expect too many people to be in office hours, and as per usual I only had two people come by and ask any questions. The girl who first came by needed help with a homework problem involving finding the distance from a light source and slit to the screen. Is was a pretty difficult problem because you had to combine two equations together that you wouldn't immediately realize would give you the variable you were looking for. It took me awhile to figure it out, but sometimes talking it out with the student actually helps you to understand everything involved as well. I am no expert on the topics being covered, but between my ideas for the problem and her ideas it was beneficial for the both of us. The other student who came in just needed a quick theory overview of constructive and destructive interference before his recitation quiz.
With finals week about to be upon us, I really think next weeks office hours will have many more students show up. The average on the last exam was higher than the previous two, and according to the professor a handful of students dropped the course after exam number two, so those still in it probably have solid study habits already, but everyone can use a refresher sometimes. Whatever happens, happens though, and I will be ready to answer any questions thrown at me to the best of my abilities. One more set of office hours left, we will see how it goes!
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