Thursday, November 3, 2016

Week 6-9

Week 6

No students came this week, it was the week after the exam so I'm guessing many did not have physics on their mind.

Week 7

One student came in. Her foundation was pretty strong and unlike previous students who just came in for homework help, she came in for help with the more difficult textbook problems. After helping her with those I feel as a student she will perform quite strongly in the next exam.

Week 8

No one came to office hours this week as well, I am curious if my office hours are at a bad time, since the other UTA is also only averaging 1-2 students a week.

Week 9

I couldn't hold my wednesday office hours due to an interview, however a student emailed me for help and I met up with him in the library to help with homework problems.

1 comment:

  1. Try to have these submitted each week they are due.
