Alright, this blog post is going to be full of complaints, be warned.
I've been a UTA now for physics II for about 5 months. No one comes to office hours, nor do I expect them to anymore (it's honestly a waste of time to even sit in the OEH study room, it's not a comfortable study spot, the table legs are too close together and why do we need rolly tables anyway, I don't see why we can't do Hillman office hours like literally every single other course in this university, people are WAY more likely to come to those, it's closer to everyone, and people will be able to ask questions while studying so they can get clarifications instead of having to have a good enough question to trek up to OEH <-- don't get me wrong, I'll still go because it's "mandatory" but that doesn't take away from the futility and honestly negative impact. Physics is a tough class, and there are MANY areas where students need and even want help, putting office hours so far out of the way is making it tougher for students and TAs. #Letusmoveofficehoursplease)
Furthermore, these blog posts are tedious and not helpful, I don't read ones that other TAs write nor do they read mine. I will continue uploading single sentence updates unless something *important* comes up although I strongly doubt it.
I do enjoy being a TA, and one for physics at that. But I am no longer going to spend more than 3 seconds on these blog posts which will basically all say "No one came."
Ok now part 2 -
I don't want to just complain without offering solutions. I think right away we should be allowed to move office hours to Hillman (and have that change reflected in the UTA schedule and on courseweb, something that did not occur when I attempted to do this last term).
Furthermore, it should not be as hard to find the UTA schedule online - seriously try it, it takes a dumb amount of effort for something that should be viewable within seconds of trying to find.
And lastly, make it a monthly update on the blog post not a weekly. We'd still be able to interact with other TAs and share our thoughts, but on a less tedious and more effective basis.
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