UTA: Jeffrey Socash
Prof: Dr. Nero
Course: PHYS 0175
Apologies for the late post. Not much happened over these past few weeks, despite an exam being ever-so-present on the horizon. I had one student come into my office hours the Friday before the exam, so I don't have much to say about that.
I suppose the biggest thing I can talk about it comparing how Nero's lectures feel relative to Hong's, who I UTA'd for in the Fall. Most noticeably, I definitely notice I'm getting more use helping with clicker questions, with at least 2 or 3 questions per lecture thanks to the flipped format. I'm glad for that; it makes my lecture presence feel justified. I still wonder if there could be more uses for UTAs at lectures, though, such as helping with in-class demonstrations. I do miss when Dr. Hong would have us explain clicker questions on the board.
All in all, though, I do feel a lot more equipped to help with Nero's course than Hong's course, since I took it in the past. Every problem a student brings to me or asks me to help with is familiar, and in the worst-case scenario I can fall back on my old notes or homework and find out how I solved the same type of problem previously. Hopefully I get some more office hour attendance after the exam.
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