Sunday, April 6, 2014

It Is The Tenth Week

Time flies, we had the last exam before the final on this Friday. Zero student stopped by my one hour session on Tuesday, but I had one student during the session after the exam. I really look forward to the overall performance of this exam tomorrow in class. 


  1. From the students I have talked to so far, I am not so optimistic. Im hoping students take the time to learn the material for the final and ask for help on old topics if needed, since not knowing older material will kill them on the final.

    1. Yea, I agree with what you say. But it is not the last minute yet, procrastination is some of the students' middle name.

  2. I should add the students I talked to were a small sample of the class (6-7 of them), so I'm hoping I'm way off and the avg. is much higher than usual.
