Saturday, October 14, 2017

Weeks of 10/2 and 10/9

Class: Phys 0175 - Hong

Apologies for neglecting to post last week!  Fall break turned my brain off for a little bit.  Fortunately between an exam last week and a shorter week this week, these two weeks are fine to double up on.

Lectures went fine as usual.  I did not attend the Wednesday 10/4 because it was an exam day and I was not assigned to proctor the exam.  I also did not attend Tuesday 10/10, but every other lecture I attended.  I feel as though us Physics 2 UTAs have to work out a solid schedule for attendance, though, as I usually show up slightly late under the assumption at least one other UTA is there.  This Friday wasn't the case, though, as the other UTA who is usually there with me didn't show, and I walked in late as the only UTA there.  Sorry, Dr. Hong! At least I found a quicker way to get from upper campus to Alumni Hall!  It didn't seem to be a huge deal (we were spared the reprimanding tmhong email we usually get in those cases), but it would probably be good to discuss specified lecture attendance with the other UTAs to avoid these things from happening again.

As for grading, this week's grading session was cancelled due to adjusted Fall break hours.  However, the homework that was typically due was also moved back due to the exam, so that should balance out this upcoming Tuesday.  Aside from that, grading is going as smoothly as ever.

Finally, office hours.  Again, boring Tuesdays and hectic Thursdays.  I was surprised nobody visited my Tuesday hours last week since the exam was that Wednesday.  Hong ended up moving homework due the Friday after the exam back to Tuesday on account of Fall break, but not before the usual ~6 students came to me all at once on Thursday to explain capacitance despite it not being taught yet in lecture.  I think I managed it fine, though.

-Jeffrey Socash

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