Friday, September 18, 2015

Week 1/2

Due to when room assignments came out, no one attended my office hours (Tu/W from 8:30 to 10AM) the first week. During class, the other undergraduate TA and I walk around the class while students work on clicker questions or worksheets so we can help answer questions then.

This week, I had five students on Tuesday and nine on Wednesday. Some students had questions I couldn't answer, such as turning in extra credit and class policies. Most students wanted to go over homework problems and I was able to help them, though one student brought in a supplemental question from the textbook he had found and couldn't answer, and I was not entirely prepared for it, so he decided to just ignore it and ask questions that were related to the homework as it was a better use of our time.

On Wednesday, due to the large amounts of students I had at once, I wasn't able to answer every question everyone had, so I had to email some students some hints on how to go about solving the problem. I also had a hiccup where I misread a question and answered the wrong question, which caused some confusion. But I was able to clear things up for the most part.

At one point, I had five students at once, and three completely different questions they wanted addressed. It was somewhat overwhelming, and I hope no one felt overlooked. 

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