Saturday, September 26, 2015

Week 3!

This was week 3 and the course is in full swing. I had 5 different students come to my office hours, and I had a student in my "think aloud" hour.

To prepare for my hours, I jotted down concepts I thought the students would struggle with from the videos. I also looked over the homework and completed the problems I thought were most difficult. The most common issue I encountered was about students' intuitions of velocity. At various points in an object's projectile motion, students often referred to its velocity when discussing its motion. We talked about why it's more fruitful to be specific and talk about velocity in the x or velocity in the y.

Overall, it's going well! It's really tempting just to kind of talk about the correct concept in tutoring hours, but it's better to more subtly guide the students to the correct ideas.

My think aloud hour was neat. The student did well and I had no problems with it.

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